Personal content

Real name
Setesh Zakem
Place of birth
Year of birth
182.9 cm / 6' 0"
100 kg / 220 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Setesh Zakem was born August 19th, 3271 on the Imperial world Amenta A 6.  Setesh had a Typical imperial upbringing with his mother and father keeping their distance leaving the Imperial slaves to raise him.  From a young age Setesh’s father, Patron Robert Zakem instructed his servants to train Setesh in leadership and diplomacy and make sure he was ready to take his place as Patron of Amenta Empire Assembly upon his retirement or death.  For years Setesh studied and trained first by himself and eventually after several years he was joined by his younger sister and brother.  When Setesh was 11 years old he accompanied his father to Capitol for a conference, on their way home his father’s cutter, the INV Iron Duke, was ambushed.  Setesh was captivated by the commander of the ship as he gave orders to the two Courier escorts and to the crew on his bridge almost at the same time and managed to destroy the enemy vessels with very little effort.  After that Setesh added military strategy and combat tactics to his class work.  Upon his 19th birthday after becoming a full citizen of the Empire he was granted the title of Lord and officially recognized as the heir to Amenta Empire Assembly and all of House Zakem, he was then given a commission in the Imperial Navy and started flight school.  After graduation Lord Setesh was assigned to the INV Duval's Judgment as a fighter pilot, he served on the Duval's Judgment for 13 years making his way to lead pilot.  After his assignment was done he transferred to the Imperial Legion and served in the 9th Legion, Phoenix Legion, and the 10th Legion, eventually making the rank of Admiral and taking command of the 10th Legion.

Admiral Setesh is a very competent and confidant officer.  He excels in being presented with a situation and seeing all possible outcomes and making decisions on the fly to changing conditions on the battlefield.

Father: Patron Robert Zakem of the Amenta Empire Assembly
Mother: Lady Teresa Zakem, matriarch of house Zakem
Sister: Lady Audra Zakem, Logistics adviser of the Amenta Empire Assembly
Brother: Lord Kaleb Zakem, Currently on a deep space assignment in the Viatori Patuit Region
Wife: Major Lutessa Zakem, Chief of medicine on board Tavares Point
Daughter: Pearl Zakem