Personal content

Real name
Titus Vertigan
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
My name, just Vertigan to you. I'm an experienced pilot, but a jack of all trades kind of guy, done a bit of everything but I look to my Squadron for the specialists in each field. Over land haulage is where i started, back on Azeban. so it was only natural that i bought my own ship to expand my reach into space. Money was hard at first, simple haulage would have took me months to buy my dream ship, the Anaconda- Black Hole Sun.

So I moved onto bounty hunting, then exploration. For a while I held a steady position with a shady group of mafia types. But I had to get out of there, needed the change. You get to feeling your always looking over your shoulder, it was the same for a few of us who had seemed to gel together. So one day we all took off on fleet carriers, other side of the bubble where it was more peaceful. Found salvation with a religious group, which isn't really my thing, but the perks were undeniably good. As there was a group of us, well armed and with carriers full of ships we became their protectors. Then we started to expand, took up new territory.

With the constant expansion came wars, with wars came cash. Now I have a Carrier where I can call home, somewhere to park my prized ships and further the cause for Orion!