Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Name: Mia
Moniker: RadioActiveLobster
Birth System: Inti
Birth Planet: Inti 8 A

As a child on Inti 8 A, Mia use to catch lobsters in the ocean waters around her home by free diving down to get them, a method no one else in the village had ever used, as the automated fishing drones proved more efficient. It gained her the moniker "Lobster" in her village, a name which stuck with her into adulthood.

At the age of 26 while working a routine job as a crew member on a Lakon Type-7 transporting machinery to the Akkadia system, they were attacked by pirates after their cargo. The CMDR of the vessel was able to just escape by jumping back to Inti but it was not without loss, their reactor was damaged and leaking radiation. The crew not killed in the initial attack soon succumb to radiation poisoning and all aboard perished, except for Mia. No one could explain why she showed no signs of radiation poisoning. The only affect it seemed to have on here was her eyes changed color and seemed to have taken on a small glow.

Looked at by several medical facilities in near by systems and getting no answers, the local Federation Outpost provided her with transport and permit to make the 55 light year trip to Sol to visit the state of the art medical facilities aboard the Abraham Lincoln station orbiting Earth. Using the latest tech available it was determined that a yet unknown compound was present in Mia's system that was negating the radiation and actually absorbing it, giving off small amounts of bio-luminescence in the process. Further testing has found that in the waters of Inti 8 A there is a compound, unknown in origin that through Mia's many years of of free diving in the ocean has slowly been absorbed into her body, mainly through the lining around the eyes. No negative effects of this compound have been found and Mia has not reported any adverse affects except for being able to see in the dark a little easier.

Scientists and researchers from Sol have taken samples of the water on Inti 8 A to try to find out more about this compound (thus called "The Mia Compound" ) and to try to find if it has other benefits. It is too early to tell if this will be usable in any meaningful form as a way to prevent radiation poisoning or other ailments. They believe since Inti 8 A is a naturally occurring Earth-Like world that perhaps something occurred during it's formation that made it unique and are the reason why the compound isn't found on any of the other terraformed worlds present in the Inti system.

Upon returning to Inti 8 A from the Sol system her village greeted her with open arms, treating her as something of a small town hero. It isn't every day someone gets a chance to visit Sol as the permits can be difficult to acquire for the average person. A former classmate of Mia's coined the name she's used since with a sarcastic welcome, "Well look who it is, RadioActiveLobster back to grace us with her glowing presence". Mia responded in kind with a solid upper cut to his jaw. She never liked him anyway. The name however, stuck.