Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color

24 MAR 3301
Started out as a Sidewinder pilot that delivered goods and data to various factions and nearby systems in Panoi.

29-31 MAR 3301
Became a mercenary and moved up to the Eagle; started fighting in both LCZs and HCZs, eventually saving up for a Viper.

05-07 APR 3301
Joined the Federation as a Recruit. Switched careers to a bounty hunter and moved main base of operations to Kremainn. Combat rank moved to Competent.

11-12 APR 3301
The Vulture was added to the pilot's arsenal. Promoted to Expert in Combat Rank after a day and bought a Lakon T6 Hauler to start with trading.

13-14 APR 3301
Promoted to Peddler in Trade Rank. A Lakon Asp Explorer was purchased to suit the CMDR's multi-role needs.

17 APR 3301
Signed up in Imperial Task Force: Operation Almad as a freelance bounty hunter.

21 APR 3301
Promoted to Dealer in Trade Rank.

25 APR 3301
Signed up on Imperial Task Force: Operation HR 706 as a freelance bounty hunter.

27 APR 3301
Traded in the Vulture for the Python, in favor of setting up the ship as a mobile command center.

06 MAY 3301
Promoted to Merchant in Trade Rank.

12 MAY 3301
Promoted to Petty Officer in the Federation.

16 MAY 3301
Signed up as a bounty hunter and security detail for the Alliance in preparation of President Halsey's arrival in Alliance space.

21 MAY 3301
Contacted CMDR Belstarion and joined the Ghost Squadron as a bounty hunter. Promoted to Surveyor in Explorer Rank.

25 MAY 3301
Visited Persephone and registered as an independent supplier of medical materials in Lombardelli's Legacy. Winged with other independent escorts and haulers, this marks the first joint operation of the CMDR with the Ghost Squadron.

31 MAY 3301
Promoted to Warrant Officer in the Federation; skipped Chief Petty Officer.

01 JUN 3301
Deciding to switch careers as an independent trader, the Asp Explorer was traded in to lessen expenses for the acquisition of the Anaconda (MRV; Mult-Role Vessel Tartarus), which functioned as a commercial freighter during the time. Promoted to Broker in Trade Rank a day after.

07 JUN 3301
Another Asp Explorer was acquired as assets grew. Shun Tachikaze was being mentored in both trading and combat by the CMDR during this time.

14 JUN 3301
Convinced by CMDR Belstarion to pledge an allegiance to Aisling Duval to fund the fleet more efficiently, the CMDR joins him along with the other GS members, who were also operating in their own trade routes in AD's territory. Promoted to Serf in the Empire due to charity missions; PF rank would also advance to Dangerous and Entrepreneur a few days after. CMDR Shun Tachikaze catches up in AD's operations and joins GS later.

21 JUN 3301
The Fer-de-Lance was added to the CMDR's fleet assets to function as a peace-keeping ship.

27 JUN 3301
Started a short voyage away from civilized space.

29 JUN 3301
The MRV Tartarus was retrofitted with armaments for self-defense due to the increasing incursions in AD's territory, evolving into a light cruiser. The Fer-de-Lance and the Asp Explorer were stripped and sold to fund the acquisition of another Anaconda freighter (HLV; Heavy Lifting Vessel Terminus). Explorer rank promoted to Pathfinder.

03 JUL 3301
Imperial Rank advanced to Squire. Another Asp Explorer was procured.

05 JUL 3301
The Terminus underwent a minor revision in design philosophy for exploring, starting the voyage to the galactic core.

08 JUL 3301
Lost contact with the Terminus somewhere in the SHROGAEI IV-F sector. CMDR declared MIA.

10 JUL 3301
Transmission regarding CMDR's last will reached most trusted individuals. Ships have been repurposed with proper authorization and under a new front; the Astoni Merchant Fleet (AMF), an outsourcing company covering commodity shipping, mil-spec work, and recon. The Terminus II ship has also been commissioned. Ship prefixes have also been revised.

11 JUL 3301
The AMF commenced its first contract as a supplier of Carns Imperial Society to assist in shifting its base economy with high-tech commodities.

15 JUL 3301
Emperor Hengist Duval recovers from coma. The Imperial Clipper (AMF Nazaire) was granted access to the company to celebrate the Emperor's recovery.

07 AUG 3301
Contract with AD ended to maintain neutrality on conflict between numerous Imperial powers regarding Emperor Hengist Duval's assassination.

15 AUG 3301
First expeditionary task force with the Ghost Squadron carried out.

25 AUG 3301
Another Anaconda-class freighter, the AMF Onryō (怨霊); not to be confused with one of the Raven Division's flights, was commissioned for stealth operations.

05 SEP 3301
Commissioned a Python (AMF Apiary Six) for mining and commerce raiding.

12 SEP 3301
Signed up on Patreus's campaign against the Emperor's Dawn in Maausk and Dakshmandi.

12 MAR 3302
AMF Lazarus II has been retired from service in favor of the AMF Pandemonium's debut as another cruiser in the fleet.