Personal content

Real name
Orion Starhunter
Place of birth
Year of birth
350 cm / 11' 6"
350 kg / 772 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dirty Blonde
Eye color

Cmdr. Starhunter was brought to the year 3303 through a temporal vortex that appeared in the Earth year 2016.  Both he and his wife were teleported to the year 3303.
According to the report documented, Starhunter had explained that space travel in his time was not an every day occurrence, and that the International Space Station (Zarya) was Humankind's greatest achievement.
Talks of the first Human mission to Mars was in the works, and the technology was under development to achieve this mission by the year 2030.  
It was during this time that a classified project known as HAARP, which was a United States government project designed to avert dangerous weather patterns, cause an influx in Earth's Ionosphere, creating the temporal vortex that transported Starhunter and his wife to the year 3303.

Cmdr. Starhunter expressed his desire for deep space travel and exploration, which helped facilitate his training in both the Federation and Empire.
Piloting skills, combat readiness and scientific exploration methods were studied at great detail during his training.
It should be noted that Cmdr. Starhunter's wife, Trysha Starhunter, was an expert in the Culinary Arts during their life in 2016, and has contributed to several known dishes across the known universe.

Some of her known, sought after favorites include:
  • Colonia Corn Salad with Cilantro and Lime Dressing
  • Sagittarius Sirloin Steak with Fresh Green Beans and Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
  • Hutton Orbital Beef Stew
  • Old World Earth Biscuits and Sausage Gravy
  • Andromeda Beef Chimichurri
  • Beta Lyrae Carrot Cake

For over a year now, Cmdr. Starhunter and his wife have been exploring the universe by each other's sides.  With the assistance of their old friend and colleague Cmdr. Indigowyrd who has virtually no record or history to date in any of the known records in existence of his origins.

It has been said that Cmdr. Starhunter knows, but it would appear he is not divulging this information.

It is highly recommended that if you get a chance at one of the well known ports, that you have one of the above mentioned dishes.
Food this good would certainly replace the typical pilot rations that most are used to consuming.

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