Personal content

Real name
Rimarimil Amnick
Place of birth
Year of birth
187 cm / 6' 2"
130 kg / 287 lb
Build type
Well Built
Skin color
Hair color
Dark Brown
Eye color
Dark Brown
Near the beginning of 3274, a baby boy by the name of Rimarimil Amnick was born on Kamadhenu 1 near the Achenar sector.  Both of his parents was members of the Empire under the emperor of A. Lavigny-Duval.  His father was known for his service in the Imperial Navy as for his mother was a well known Imperial scientist.  His family wasn’t very wealthy however, despite the fact his parents was help for the Empire.

His father and mother was previously caught as Independent Soldiers and was sentenced to work as Imperial Slaves.  This was when the Emperor was needing help so they where given a chance to live as members of the Empire.  They lived with just enough to barely live.  In the year of 3280 when Rimarimil was just 6 years old, on his mother’s birthday, he witnessed the worst event of his life.  They was going to Bunuson 1 on a Asp Explorer when the Asp Explorer dropped at a Imperial Military Checkpoint when a Boarding Party of Imperial Guards boarded the Asp and seized Rimarimil’s 3 brothers and 1 sister and sold them into slavery.  This was a true tragic and Rimarimil’s parents was so fed up that they started to spy for the Federation.

Later inside of Rimarimil’s teens, he later wanted to be a Federal Navy Commander.  His parents was both spies in the name of the Federation and given sense they seen how the Federation has way more firepower and different laws, they discovered that the Empire’s ways was wrong however it was to late to do anything about it.  His mother later that year was brutally assassinated at her lab right as she was sending a transmission of the latest intel they both had.

On Rimarimil’s twentieth birthday, his father was severely ill due to when he was younger, his squadron fought against the Thargoids before teaching his son to fly.  Despite he was sick, he surprised Rimarimil with a pamphlet inclosed in a brief case.  Later that evening, as his father had gotten off of work, he surprised his son with the brief case and told him to flip it over, Rimarimil excitedly flipped it over but gently and curiously.  He read the letters of bold as he brushed them with his thumb “CLASSIFIED INTEL” “SECURITY CLASS 3 NEEDED TO VIEW”.  He opened it and was shocked by what he seen, he lifted the pamphlet up and read “Federal Navy Space Recruitment Program” and under it discovered that a hologram was under it.  

As curious as he was, he went to view it,  his father told him as the hologram started to play “son, this has never been seen by me and I have no idea what this says but it is only for you to know” then he walked away.  Rimarimil’s eyes teared up as he seen the hologram of his mothers pop up and she started to explain everything, the hologram said “Son, I know that it has been some time sense my passing but I know you haven’t forgot about me.  I don’t know when or if you’ll get this transmission but I wanted to say that I love you and that I wish you a happy birthday.  We both know that you’ve wanted to be an Federal Pilot so we have granted your wish!  You’ll be driven later tonight by an unknown person that you will call Tod and he will escort you to a Federal Corvette set to leave tonight to Opala.  You will learn more on your way there.” He watches every minute as they both are crying “Rimarimil, make us proud and make the Empire pay for what it’s done to our family!”  Not 5 seconds after she said that, the transmission concluded...she was killed as the transmission was made.

Later that night, when it was pitch black, Tod came to pick him up, he took him to the ship to leave.  On his way there he picked up another Commander that was supposed to Mentor him on his way to Opala and then take him back to his Home System.  Tod continued on as the other Commander started teaching him slowly.

After arriving in Opala, they get him his uniform, credits and Ship, a Federal Dropship.  He later trains under that commander and becomes a Merchant.  In the year of 3303, he finally met a skilled Bounty Hunter and later created what’s formed as the Federal Mercenaries.  

On August the 28th of 3304, Rimarimil Amnick and his fleet had their home completely utterly destroyed by a band of war criminals.  He now resides alone with the Commanders who follow him and flys with them to wherever the galaxy takes them.