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We live in a Universe where all our hero's aren't real. We enjoy playing Christmas with gifts from (Santa). We color eggs that come from bunnies and the children play hide and seek. O and don't forget the tooth fairy.... If that's not bad enough then we have all the super hero mutants stories we all love our fairy tale hero's.

Never put much thought into this until one day my young son came to me and told me I was his Super Hero.  Of course I told my son but I don't have any super powers like, Superman or the X men.  That's when it happened the very first time.  My son at 4 years old looks me in the eye and tells me that none of those guys are real just make believe and that I'm his Superman no I'm better than Superman because I'm DADDYMAN!!!

My son wasn't like most kids his age, he never really played kid games. He was incredibly gifted is the only way I can explain it. He had an uncanny ability to see things and understand things that were far beyond his years.  I called him my little BS detector... lol

Alexander Ritchard was the lead science officer onboard the Oracle.  His Top Secret research was going to help us to better understand the Thargoids.  He wanted to be the first human to communicate with the Thargoids.  
The Thargoids took my soul that day and I officially adopted the CMDR DADDYMAN call sign and its 4u Xander I vow with my dying breath to avenge you.