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Year of birth
5 cm / 0' 2"
10 kg / 22 lb
Build type
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As a child I listened to the stories told by my elders, tales of our family rising to become one of the wealthiest factions known to man. Our greatest creation being the Strix Dynasty Robotic Company, an entity that propelled mankind onwards in its last greatest adventure amongst the stars. My grandfather would proudly tell me how our bloodline was traced back to the great Pharaohs, how our journey through space seemed guided by the ancients gods themselves and I would laugh and think he was exaggerating. I learned with the creation of the first Hyper drive we gathered our resources and set sail to forge a new legacy, again our blood seeming to whisper to us, calling us to come home. Of all the countless stars and of all the endless space we arrived at our destined home, the system of Ra. My father told me of how our family used it’s advanced technologies to turn an empty star system into a bustling hub for trade and agriculture. He rattled on about how those before us fought tooth and nail to create the empire I had grown to know and love. On the dark days he would recall how the thargoids began attacking human settlements, driving us back with every engagement. I could see the emotion in his eyes when he spoke of the federations takeover of our system, they came promising our salvation and delivered banishment. His eyes would flare as he described the exodus from Ra, the entire Strix family forced to once again journey into the black and the promise we made to reclaim what is ours, whatever the cost. When my father passed that promise became mine to preserve, for years I have been gathering powerful allies, amassing a fleet the likes of which space has never known. My time in the shadows is over, I have given my commanders their orders and we shall cast aside those who stand against us. I’m the last of the great pharaohs and like them I will lead my people to a golden age. To all who stand in the way of my families legacy I give this warning. I’m not alone and I’m coming for what is mine, pray you never hear the name Magusstrix.