Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
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Eye color
Sixty-first in an unbroken line of pilots serving the Imperial Navy and its predecessors.

  • The Empire exists to defend the common people from those who would exploit them.
  • The Imperial Navy is the guardian of the empire.
  • The family is the cornerstone of the empire.  
  • Friendships extend the family.
  • Honor includes taking responsibility for one’s own actions.
  • Sometimes the empire protects people too much.
  • Experience is the best teacher.
Current activities:

  • Soul searching
  • Supporting the empire as a free lance pilot.

History so far:
Born January 1, 3280 Sy Orbital, Pequen to Greybeard, a retired IN pilot flying a Type-6 and Maude, a primary school teacher.  

His sister, Penny, was born in 3283
The whole family had to enter indentured servitude when Greybeard LX got caught on the wrong side of a loan and a law change. Greybeard LXI was able to use his Imperial Navy enlistment bonus and a small loan (since paid back) instead.

After four years of satisfactory service Greybeard was court martialed and dismissed from the service when heroin was found in his coat. He maintains that a mule put the heroin in the wrong coat, and the court found enough evidence for this position to avoid sending him to prison.

After a year knocking around the empire doing menial jobs he got a work as bouncer at the Copper Rivet in Zemetii. After he protected a customer from the Zemetii Crew he was asked to transport a ship to Zemetii from LHS3447.  This rewarded him for upholding the reputation of the Bolonii Empire Party and got him out of the Zemetii Crew’s sights.

When he delivered the sidewinder he had earned enough from side jobs to buy an Imperial Eagle.

He returned to Pequen and found his mother employed in the Allstate family nursery.   She is one of the main care givers to the children and the family has a reputation for giving bondservants excellent treatment.

His father was lost in a pirate attack.  The transport he was flying had broken shields and escape capsule.  The route was leaked to the pirates when he was carrying a cargo of gold.

Greybeard followed Penny's trail as her contract was sold to less and less savory contract holders.  She was sold outside the Empire as a sex slave and killed on Patterson Enterprise, Sirius.