Cmdr Steve_M32
Freelancer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette KHGT01
Overall assets
The Knights Of Orion
Aisling Duval

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Tau Ceti
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
90 kg / 198 lb
Build type
Athletic / Muscular
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
There was a massacre at Poincare Legacy where Steve lived with his parents and older sister. It was a peaceful colony on an earth like world. Life was good for this colony, trade was prosperous and Steve had a good life. Until one day, whilst playing out in the fields behind his home , he saw Mercenary faction ships descend and land at the colony. Steve could tell there was something not right, he began to run back to this home, but as he got near he could hear gun fire and screaming.

As he got closer he was cautious and hid out of sight, peeking at what was happening. There were mercenaries moving from house to house, shooting and killing everyone in site. He ran home, but it was too late, the mercenaries were already at his house. He peeked through a window and saw his mother and father kneeling on the floor, hands tied behind their back. His father caught his glimpse and mouthed “Hide.” but he froze. He watched a group of mercenaries take his sister to another room, where they beat and raped her.

A man approached his mother and father and shot them both in the head, like they were nothing. The man turned and Steve saw his face as clear as day, an image he would never forget. Mercenaries approached the man and saluted him, Steve now knew this was the leader of the mercenaries. From that day Steve vowed revenge. He was 10 years old and had just witnessed his family murdered and everyone he knew in the colony was gone.

What also transpired that day was the mercs were also taking all the males of age 10 and older, to serve in their army as foot soldiers and pilots. It was then that Steve saw a way to exact revenge. He spotted a group of boys waiting to be loaded onto a transport, so he did an unusual thing, he joined the mercs willingly. He knew this was the only way to exact his revenge. For the next 8 yrs he became one of them. He had to do terrible acts which he Would never forgive himself for, but he knew this was the only way.

He learned everything about the Mercenary Faction. Their supply routes, their depot locations, how they operated, the leadership structure. After 8 years he had amassed everything he needed to know and so he set about his plan of revenge.

He set out on a routine patrol one day near a Federation border and shortly into his patrol around an asteroid belt, Steve sent out a mayday. He then set the ship to crash into an asteroid and ejected into a life support capsule towards the border which was near a trading route. With the capsule being so small he knew it wouldn't be detected.

He was picked up a few days later by a passing trader. He fed them a story of his ship running into Pirates/Mercenaries and was destroyed just across the border. Once he got to a large starport, he signed up for the Federation. He had planned this for years, even falsifying a new experience. During bootcamp, Steve was noticed by his instructors of his exceptional skills in combat piloting. What they didn't know was that in his previous life he was already a gifted pilot by the age of 12 and had 6yrs combat experience.

After bootcamp, he was immediately assigned to a secret military group called The White Wolves. This group was a tight knit group of highly trained and capable pilots. The Admiralty knew this was the place for him as this groups specialty was to gather intelligence and hunt down Pirate and Mercenary Factions. No courtrooms, just good old eye for an eye justice.

Steve immediately approached the WW Commander and presented his intelligence on the mercs that killed his entire family so many years ago. A name he never forgot The Anarchy Mauraders. He presented it in a way as not to give away his previous life with this group.

The WW Commander read through the intelligence and immediately set into motion a plan of attack. Steve was immediately given command of his own ship for justice, the Demios Corvette.

For the next few months, the White Wolves decimated the The Anarchy Marauders supply lines, depots and any ship they came into contact with. They were down to a small handful of pilots who were loyal. But one ship, the leaders Corvette, had not yet engaged in any battles. But now had he was forced to come out of hiding. He knew if his faction was to survive , he would have to fight them to the death.

Steve saw his chance, and engaged with the leaders corvette, which was no match for Demios as Steve had spent some time engineering it to such a high level, that not many ships could stand against it. After destroying most of the leader's corvette major systems, and just before pressing the trigger that would seal the faction leaders fate, Steve opened a private comms with him. He told him about the little boy cowering and who had witnessed him murder his entire family. He also told him of his previous life with the faction and how he had spent years waiting for this moment. The faction leader, at that poin, knew he was doomed. Steve pressed the trigger and within seconds the leaders corvette exploded with little or no trace.

Steve spent the next 10yrs in the White Wolves and eventually became it's commanding officer. In that time, they decimated many pirate factions. The White Wolves became a legend within the systems, but after serving for so long, Steve had now had enough of serving someone else's faction and wanted to part ways. The Admiralty wanted him to stay , but his mind was made up and so as a thank you for his service, the Admiralty gifted him his ship Demios.

At this point , he was 29yrs old, with his ship Demios. He set off into the black and spent the next 15yrs moving from system to system, solving problems for colonies with pirate factions. He was known as a man who would help and at times was paid very handsomely for it. He wasn't purely motivated by credits, but by justice. Looking out for people who didn't have the skills , training or firepower to defend themselves from people who were like the ones who killed his entire family.

It was in 3303, that he crossed paths with another highly capable combat pilot called Cmdr Skinwalker in a bar. Whilst over a few beers, Cmrd Skinwalker talked about his Faction, Outlander Flight Wing and what it stood for, he knew then this was his calling. So he pledged his allegiance to Outlander Flight Wing and well, he spent the next 4 years in OFW and in that time brought order to chaos, Cmdr Skinwalker felt that OFW's time was done.

Steve, again without somewhere to call home, he wandered from system to system for a while and came across a faction with strong ties to every corner of the galaxy, The Knights Of Orion were looking for seasoned vets to join their ranks, so yet again he pledged his allegiance and began bring order to chaos.