Personal content

Real name
Illeana Grimm-Turner
Place of birth
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
80 kg / 176 lb
Build type
Slim/ Muscular
Skin color
Hair color
Platinum Blonde
Eye color
Slightly Greek
Mother = Martha Grimm [19th September 3250 - Present]
Current Occupation: Co-Pilot of the Type-7 Transport Bearing Gifts Inter-System Cargo Vessel
Father = Jacob Turner [31st January 3249 - Present]
Current Occupation: System Security Wing-Leader for Abrog, based in Thargard Ring orbiting Abrog A 1
Brother = Alex Grimm-Turner [23rd April 3278 - Present]
Current Occupation: Bartender at The Landing Pad located in Gunn Terminal, planetary starport on Abrog A 3
Sister = Stacy Grimm-Turner [23rd April 3278 - Present]
Current Occupation: Requisition and Sales Executive for new/used ship sales agency Lightyears Ahead located inside Thargard Ring orbiting Abrog A 1

Martha Grimm and Jacob Turner are unmarried but in a long term relationship that has endured happily since they met in High School during their teens. Originally only planning to have one child the birth of their twins, Stacy and Alex, came as something of a happy surprise to them. Illeana’s birth a little over a year later was another surprise. However their financial circumstances meant a 3rd child put an unfortunate strain on the family.
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Martha Grimm was quite happy to be a stay at home mother, doting on her two children and ensuring their every need was met. This was in spite of her wish to travel and see the stars for herself. Illeanas arrival unfortunately changed all of that and after using up all of her and Jacob’s savings was forced to take a job as a Cargo Checker at Valasquez Vision. Detailed in her job, Martha noticed a vessel being loaded with Narcotics despite the manifest stating it was to be filled with Tobacco. Normally, such occurrences were simply to be reported to Security, but Martha went the extra step and traced the source of the Narcotics. As a result, a notorious con artist was arrested in connection with multiple other occurrences. Lucy Watts, the Commander of the vessel in question, a Type-7 Transport by the name of Bearing Gifts, approached her and offered a position as part of her crew. Martha was only too happy to take up the opportunity travel through space but added the caveat that she was not to leave the system, so she could be around and look after her children as much as possible. This continued for several years. As the 3 children matured and reached their late teens, Martha began to take on longer cargo runs. Meanwhile, under the tutelage of Lucy, she also learned the skills necessary to command the vessel herself. Upon meeting Watts standards, Martha found herself being bestowed the honour of Co-Pilot, a position of which she continues to enjoy to this day.
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Jacob Turner was a very military minded person even at a young age. During sports and fitness classes he would push himself as hard as possible, even at one point passing out through sheer exertion alone. At the age of 17, he joined the System Security Forces where his brute determination allowed him to excel past his peers and impress his superiors allowing him a choice in career path. He could join Station Security, allowing him to stay close to home and be with his family regularly, or take to the stars as a member of System Security. Preferring to stay close to his family and be there for their needs, he was fully prepared to submit an application for the position of Station Security. However, fate had other ideas and the announcement of Illeanas imminent arrival meant he had to take to the stars as a member of System Security instead. Sadly, this prevented him from being home as much as he’d like, but he was earning more wages to send home as a result.
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Alex and Stacy Grimm-Turner were born a mere 20 minutes apart, with Stacy being born first. Although they shared the same classes during school, they both followed different crowds. Stacy found herself amongst the larger, more chatty and outgoing types while Alex, the quieter and more logically minded of the pair, joined with the smaller groups. Stacy's extroverted personality meant she was a great fit for sales, taking a job offered by a parent of one of her close friends. Although new to the challenges given to her, she managed to prove herself to her employers. Seeing her potential, they invested in further training for her and both themselves and Stacy reaped the benefits of increased profit margins. She now enjoys a position as sales executive as well as requisitioning used ships to be resold to pilots on a budget. Being the quieter of the pair, Alex gained a knack for observing people and picking up on their signals. As he grew older and more mature, he also became a bit more outgoing. As such he found himself very suited towards being a Bartender, the unofficial counsellor of the Galaxy, and uses his skills to earn him a comfortable living for himself and his girlfriend, Katherine.

Growing up Illeana was taken care of just as well as her older siblings, never left wanting for anything or excluded from activities. However, that unfortunately didn't prevent her from feeling as though she was an extra part of the family. While this was nothing to do with any direct abuse or neglect, there was the odd occasion where Martha and Jacob argued. During these arguments, Illeana heard her name dropped several times, usually with a negative connotations. Despite this she continued to grow close to her mother. Her father, however, was away from home very often and usually for weeks at a time. While logically she was understanding of why he was away so often, Illeana grew up feeling alone. Looking around, she would see her friends with fathers who were present and loving of their children and wished she could share in that experience. As the years went by, the feeling of being left out morphed into animosity.

While she was still young, this animosity often manifested as high tempered outbursts. On more than one occasion resulting in a scuffle with a classmate whom she was adamant had been teasing her. It wasn’t until the transition to high school that any action was taken. As emotions and hormones took reign over logical thinking and Illeana was barely prevented from pushing that same classmate down a flight of stairs. Under threat of expulsion, her Mother agreed to find her a way to vent these frustrations, finding such a place in a local martial arts class. At first nothing seemed to come of it, with Illeana either struggling or unwilling to accept the high levels of discipline and focus placed upon her. This meant that her Mother considered leaving her job to home school Illeana regardless of the financial impact it would have. Thankfully her two eldest stepped in and joined the same martial arts class in the hopes of setting an example for Illeana. After a few lessons like this, Illeanas temper appeared to level off. While the school fights never stopped completely, they at least never escalated to such high levels again.

Inheriting her determination from her father and a wish to travel around and see the Galaxy from her Mother, taking to the stars as an independant pilot seemed to be a natural aim for Illeana. Unfortunately, the money was never there for her to afford such an aspiration. With a lack of finances she had no plan for her future after completing school. She took up odd jobs, but none of them maintained her interest for very long. Over time and with practiced savings she managed to scrape enough credits to put herself through flight school. Passing with flying colours she then had to afford a ship. Stacy, feeling proud of her sister’s accomplishment, pulled some strings and was able to gift her a gently used Sidewinder and watched as Illeana followed in her Mother’s footsteps. Taking it easy at first, Illeana did some trading to help recover her savings. The Credits grew slowly at first but she kept a steady stream of profits coming in thanks to some helpful tips from her Mother.

During one route, as she was returning to Abrog with some lucrative cargo she was interdicted by an Asp Explorer, crewed by a band of pirates. Fearing for her life she was quick to obey their demands by ejecting all of her cargo in the hopes they would let her go. However, they had other plans and announced that they would leave no witnesses. Opening fire as Illeana turned to flee, her shields were quickly melted under the barrage of laser fire and the ship suffered multiple system malfunctions including her FSD before it had fully charged, leaving her stranded and at the mercy of the pirates. Fortunately, at that moment, there were three loud bangs, signalling the arrival of several Security Ships who wasted no time in disabling the pirate vessel and saving her life. The captain of the Security Anaconda opened comms to her to ensure she was ok, and once proceedings were done, they aided in collecting her dropped cargo and then continued to escort Illeana to her destination where she spent all of her profits from the trip on repairs.

It was at this point Illeana felt the need to upgrade and get a ship of her own. She did some research on the various makes and models available to independent pilots and started putting a portion of her earnings aside each trip, gradually building up a small nest egg. Meanwhile, she applied to her local flight school for a position on an advanced course that included evasion techniques and direct combat skills although she hoped to never need to use them. Through some clever bartering techniques, courtesy of Stacy, and some handy marketing tips from her Mother, Illeana watched as her account slowly but surely grew into a number that would have been considered a small fortune earlier in her life.

Edited with great thanks to (in no particular order); Jemine Caesar, Simon Datura, Stryker Aune and NFC Phisto

Additional: This profile is an alt created by Luke3107 for the purposes of Thing writing, RP, and keeping track of PC Account progress.