Personal content

Real name
Justinian Octavius
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
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Justinian Octavius was born on the 21st January 3264 in the Cemiess system on-board the mining converted Clipper, the Achenar Rock to Jessica & Jonathan. An Imperial King and patron of Senator Zemina Torval, he is currently Consul of Torval.

Early Life

Brought up as a miner around the Achenar sector of Imperial space, Justinian had an honourable upbringing of hard work with education provided by his parents as time allowed.  It was an austere but rewarding and happy life that saw the young Imperial Citizen skilled in the art of brokering deals and prospecting for mineral sources.

This life came to an abrupt end on 5th February 3282 when at the age of 18 the Achenar Rock was mistakenly fired upon by a wing of three Viper MkIII bounty hunters whilst mining ring A of Awa 5. The resulting carnage caused the deaths of Jessica and Jonathan with Justinian being permanently scared across the neck.

Business and Politics

As a requirement of mining Justinian had become a competent pilot and managed fly the almost crippled Achenar Rock to Titius Station in the Cemiess system were upon he immediately used work to distract from his personal loss.  The Achenar Rock was repaired using some of the wealth the family had amassed and his skill as a broker soon saw his fortune rise from a couple of million credits to the hundreds. This enabled him take on clientes and rise in local society to become a patron. However, over time Emperor Hengist Duval’s indifference to the mining industry caused his loyalty to sway towards a more enthusiastic supporter, Senator Zemina Torval. So it was on 5th October 2998 that he switched his patronage to the Senator and moved his business operations to the Sowiio system. The wealth generated by this move allowed the purchasing of the Wyvern Imperious, an Imperial Cutter, and an expanding of Justinian’s participation in the Empire’s military and political agenda. After completing many missions, some peaceful, some bloody and violent, he was award on 21st November 3303 the honorary title of King for his service.