Personal content

Real name
Henry Faereal-Loren
Place of birth
LHS 547
Year of birth
180 cm / 5' 11"
72 kg / 159 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Rex Henry Faereal-Loren was the third son of Lord Zachariah Faereal-Loren and Lady Marie Capetia. His grandfather was Marquis Atticus, who was granted a hereditary title of Marquis by Emperor Hengist Duval to govern LFT 1 and its nearby Imperial systems. This was a great honor as very rarely will a hereditary title be granted by the Emperor. However, the star systems around LFT 1 were always under threat from Federal incursion or a Federation-backed coup. Furthermore, the star systems were quite barren of resources making the family rather poor.

Growing up at the border systems between the Empire and the Federation was a risk. There was always a threat of annexation by an external faction or being ousted by the population that supported the Federation. Partially because of this reason, he has always wanted to leave LHS 547 through one way or another. At the age of 15, he was offered work with a fleet of merchants and haulers that traded between Federal systems and decided to join them to explore the galaxy.