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I started my Elite career in a little Sidewinder doing exploration and trading in different systems. She was a good ship but I knew I needed something bigger to make more money.    After some long trading missions I finally earned enough funds to get my ASP explorer, and that ship worked so well for what I was doing. But I always had this feeling of wanting more.  After a lot of trading grinds I finally earned enough credits to purchase my first larger ship, my Python. After my Python purchase I started getting into passenger missions which worked really well but they were a lot of long flights to make good money. I ran into a group of commanders during some missions and joined them in some bounty hunting missions. And that was where I found that missing piece that I was looking for. Bounty hunting was what I needed. Trading and exploration is fun but, combat was the adrenaline rush I was looking for. It was then I knew I wanted the best of the best, The Federal Corvette. But I was so far away from being able to purchase that ship so I decided to get the next best thing, The Anaconda. I purchased my Anaconda and named her The Scimitar.  She was an excellent ship and filled every roll I needed her to perform. During some missions, I ran across another commander by the name of Nero and he introduced me to a mercenary group he was aligned with, The DSA. They invited me to join them in some missions to test out my combat skills and they must have seen something in me that I didn't know I had cause they invited me to join their clan.  The DSA helped teach me the importance of utilizing the engineers to enhance the performance and capabilities of my Anaconda as well as combat skills.  The Scimitar became a formidable opponent in space combat and I am so grateful for the invite to join the DSA as it has made me a better pilot as well as meeting great friends. The Scimitar was an awesome ship but I still had that hunger for The Federal Corvette.  I decided after many combats with Olgrateful, Stopman and at the time The RSP that it was time to take the long, hard road to obtain that which I have wanted for so long. After some long grinds and a lot of money I finally had her. I gave her the name of Undaunted, such a fitting name for an incredibly awesome ship.  I still to this day have my first Sidewinder ship that I started my career in as I couldn't bear to part with her cause she is why I am here today. She sits in storage but maybe someday I will take her out again for some nostalgia.