Personal content

Real name
Parsifal Elessar
Place of birth
Year of birth
185 cm / 6' 1"
77 kg / 170 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
CMDR MrParsifal is a freelance pilot, one of the most experienced and respected pilots in the galaxy, having flown since 2015 and having achieved the triple Elite rank in combat in 2021.

He started his career in 2015 as a humble courier, delivering messages and packages across the Bubble then he used his earnings to buy a Cobra MkIII, a powerful multipurpose ship, and began to take on bounty hunting and mercenary missions. He hunted down criminals and enemies, defended systems and stations, and earned reputation and rewards from various factions.

He also developed an interest in trade, and bought first a Python then an Anaconda a massive multipurpose ship. He transported goods and passengers across the galaxy, finding the best routes and deals. He traded with different markets and economies and made huge profits from rare commodities and illegal goods but never slaves or drougs...

He also had a curiosity for exploration, and bought an Asp Explorer, a versatile exploration ship. He left the Bubble and explored the unknown regions of the galaxy. He mapped uncharted systems and planets, encountered exotic phenomena and life forms, and visited famous landmarks and locations. He sold his exploration data for millions of credits, and contributed to the scientific knowledge of the galaxy.

He eventually bought a Fleet Carrier, outfitted it with various services and facilities, and made it his personal headquarters. He continued to engage in combat, trade and exploration, but also took on new roles. He became a leader of a squadron of fellow pilots, and organized missions and events. He became involved in the Thargoid invasion and fought against the alien threat.

He has been flying since 2015 and has seen the galaxy change and evolve. He has witnessed wars and peace, discoveries and mysteries, challenges and opportunities. He has met many friends and foes, allies and rivals, heroes and villains. He has lived a life of adventure and freedom and has earned his place among the Elite pilots of the galaxy.