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I remember when the thargoid ship began its attack on our planetary outpost everyone lost their minds. People were trampled in the tight airlocks while screaming for help but the momentum of the masses would not relent. I struggled against the pouring of people to get to my home in the central tower but every foot forward seemed like an eternity. I looked up through the tube like corridors roof and could see the black spire rising up from the central hub. Thousands of little windows filled with light speckled the structures dark surface. I had just found my homes window when it happened, a great an ominous noise rattled me to the core. Everyone in the airlock snapped to a halt leaving a terrible silence that ampified the sounds ominous nature. Almost instinctively my body tried to flee, to find a hole somewhere and hide until the danger passed. I turned my head to focus on the thargoid ship and watched as dozens of strange objects orbiting the ship suddenly shot forward in perfect unison. Spinning in a tight formation they accelerated at an incrible rate, I followed the blurred movement of the swarm as it connected with the central spires base.  Cries of sorrow began filling that terrible silence, I could feel the movement of the evacuees around me, brushing my shoulder and unintelligible words all blurred into a background noise. The tiny light of my home flickered and everything seemed to slow as my mind fought against the reality of what was happening. A second pass of the swarm ripped through the last of the central spires base, tearing the massive structure from its foundation. My hands had begun pounding on the glass and I can remember screaming but my mind was clear. It took only seconds for the planets gravity to take hold of the behemoth Structures mass and set it in motion towards the surface. My tiny little light crashed to the barren surface like a meteor and that horrible noise rippled through me once more. I turned my gaze to the Thargoid, thinking of my beautiful wife and daughter calling for me to be there. The great dark cloud of sediment and debris rolled over the airlock now, leaving me in utter blackness, I had lost everything.

My light is gone now....