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I began my story as all do, in a sidewinder with no idea what I was doing or what to do. I grinded my way through the eagle up to the viper mk4 doing cargo runs where I started my career in LHS 3447. I eventually found my way to Nanomam doing work for the Federation by assassinating pirates. When I grew tired of that I decided to make a home for myself in Ez Aquarii, where I grinded for a week until I got my python. I engineered the python enough to where it could hold its own in a big fight, so I decided to begin my career as a mercenary, clearing conflict zones and assassinating targets for a good payout. My love for mercenary work eventually brought me to Quince, a system that was in a perpetual cycle of war and civil unrest. I made my fortune fighting for both sides of the conflict, and met many commanders along the way who helped me make that fortune. I had my first taste of combat with other commanders in that system, having had many skirmishes with random groups of commanders or solo commanders. With all of the money I made I decided to take the next step in my career and purchase one of the big three, the anaconda. All it took were a few fights in that ship for me to figure out it was’t for me. So I decided to put in the effort to get the corvette. Took a week to achieve the rank of Rear Admiral, and it was worth every second as I had gained access to what would eventually be christened the Day of Wrath. I took that monster up to Quince and layed waste to the conflict zones there with the allies I’d made. Up until I met the leader of the mercenary group of what would come to be known as the Chaotic Overlords of Ra. He recruited me and my friend to his crew and helped us become what we are today. As a member of this group, I became a feared and respected commander in this galaxy of ours. I have fought many battles alongside the Overlords, as both a leader and a follower. And I will fight as many battles as need be to fulfill our groups promise to the galaxy, that no matter where we go or how many of us there are we will do as we have always done, before joining the Overlords and as a part of it. Tame or create chaos.