Personal content

Real name
RedFang Culph
Place of birth
Year of birth
182 cm / 6' 0"
86 kg / 190 lb
Build type
Skin color
Light Brown
Hair color
Eye color
Corporate (English)
A descendant of the great Inupiat tribe of North America in the SOL system. RedFang Culph is an Elite commander who’s cut his teeth with countless victorious CG’s, elections, wars and Thargoid battles. RedFang began his career hauling passengers in the Robigo system earning his first 100 million credits in two runs. Once the passenger gold rush dried up, he found himself in the Federal Democrat Command faction in which he steadily rose in rank topping out at Admiral. During his command at the FDC the faction expanded from Selkana to Teveri and Yemairwar where they wrestled for and gained control of the systems. While at the FDC for the second season of faction statistic tracking, the FDC made it onto the first page of Thargoid hunting, enjoying the 6th ranked position. The last major accomplishment before leaving the FDC was the massacre of the Partnership of Gurney Salde crime syndicate, where the CNB was cleaned up and billions of credits were made. Due to conflicts of interest in high command RedFang left the FDC and joined United Systems Imperium for a short stint until that faction dissolved. The United System Cooperative was founded shortly thereafter and RedFang rose in rank to Commodore and has worked closely with high command to expand the faction in both systems and members. RedFang has had the privilege of purchasing the USC Cabal Enforcer the day fleet carriers became available and has used that to further the squadrons mission.