Personal content

Real name
Jakk Knives
Place of birth
Year of birth
188 cm / 6' 2"
83.9 kg / 185 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Born amidst the biting winds of Vard 4 A in 3276, Jakk Knives emerged into a world as frigid as the expanse he hailed from. His journey through the cosmos began in earnest when, in 3290, he eagerly started training as an imperial pilot—a decision that would shape the trajectory of his life.

Enlisting in the imperial navy in 3294, Jakk's journey saw him bravely navigating the tumultuous currents of various conflicts. His unwavering dedication and valor marked his service, earning him recognition among comrades and commanders alike. This military commitment persisted until the year 3300, a period defined by the clash of ideologies and the call for change.

The turning point arrived in 3301 when the Federation seized control of Vard. Jakk, disenchanted with the military's course, took a daring leap into the perilous life of a pirate with the Deciat Blue Dragons. It was during this tumultuous period that he first caught wind of the mysterious Raxxla, an enigma that would become the lodestar guiding his future endeavors.

Refusing to succumb to the brutality of piracy, Jakk carved a unique path, opting to steal from federal military ships and traders without leaving a trail of bodies. This ideological divergence reached its climax in 3304 during a botched operation to rescue hostages, forcing Jakk to sever ties with the Deciat Blue Dragons. This departure, however, came at a cost—drawing the attention and ire of the elusive consortium, a network of organized crime syndicates.

In 3305, seeking refuge and purpose, Jakk found solace among the Mando'ade of Subra, a community colonizing one of Subra's moons. His piloting skills faced rigorous tests during the defense of Colonia, as Thargoid incursions threatened the region. The resilience he displayed earned him recognition among commanders and solidified his place within the Mando'ade.

The transformative year of 3309 saw Jakk, now 33, ascend as the leader of the Mando'ade remnants. Briefly dedicating himself to a unified Subra, he became renowned for his pursuit of Raxxla's mysteries, his quest intertwined with unraveling the enigmatic Dark Wheel. Valiant battles against Thargoids and criminal oppression solidified his reputation as a symbol of resilience and courage.

As the galaxy beckons with untold mysteries, Jakk, at the age of 34, leaves the Mando'ade of Subra in the capable hands of Mutharom. Setting out on his own, his ship adorned with scars from past conflicts, Jakk Knives cruises the cosmos—a lone commander, driven by insatiable curiosity to unravel the mysteries woven into the fabric of the galaxy.