Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
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About Erinias character: Erinia is unusually young for a bounty huntress being only 20 years old. She doesn't like to talk much of her past if it goes further back then 2 years as in her words "I couldn't care less about it". Being that young tends to her having trouble being taken seriously sometimes which tends to frustrate her if she can't convince people of the oposite.
Sometimes Erinia is unsecure which she tends to try hiding. This has to do with her past she detests.
The bounty huntress somehow seems to know more about some topics then her age and profession would let on. As to where that info comes from she wouldn't tell.
There are some moments in which she is perceived as cold or even cruel - especially towards her enemies and people domestically abusing their family.
She seems to have a very soft spot for orphans.