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<<<[ENTRY 001] -
> -
--system run date - nov 5 3301 --
Background Scan: Complete

- Approved for Novice Pilot License -
DOB: September, 13, 3274
AGE: 27
Hair: Black
Eye: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Ancestral: German-Scottish
Titles: Lord
Classification: Civilian
Citizenship: Federation
Name, First: Xavier
Name, Middle: Cross
Name, Last: Shogun
Nick Name(s): Shogun, X, Cross
Call Name: Shogun
> -
]-- Criminal Record --[
nov 5 3301
Infactions: 3
Major: 0
Minor: 3
-Speeding, Wheeled Vehicular: Great Exhibition of Speed in terms greater than 145mph
-Physical Altercation, Defensive: Overboard, borderline deadly assault when provoked by other
-Armed: Possession of illegal personal defense weaponry (Ballistic Sidearm) in no-weapon zone
Affiliations: None
> -
]-- Biography --[
-Pulled from mandatory pilot license information file, X00183 : Nov 5 3301-
A Little Bit About Me:
I'm a pretty easy going guy, I guess I definitely have a bit of an anger streak when people mess with me, as a my record shows, but other than that, I'm slow to annoy, and easy to get along with, I prefer a logical approach to everything, try my best to make most decisions based off logic, instead of emotions, which has had bad out comes in the past. I moved with my parents to LHS 3117 when I was only 7 years old, been living planet-side since then, after they passed away 3 years ago I've just been moving from place to place, trying to find a comfort zone, nothings been panning out too much though.

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Scientific Theory Study from the small University here on Barcelona, though it doesn't do much good stuck on a mostly factory labor forced world, another reason I guess I'm so uncomfortable, and have such a desire to get away from this dust ball.

My Name: Xavier
My first name doesn't have an particular meaning, my mother just liked the way it sounded, how it spelled out on a holo-screen.

My Middle Name: Cross
My middle name comes from my older brother, although I never met him. He died in a vehicle accident when he was 3, my parents spent a month in the infirmary, a year later they had me, and honored their passed son with my middle name, I think that's the reason why they eventually left our old planet, honestly it was so long ago and I was so young I don't even remember the name of it.

My Last Name: Shogun
The last name is a bit of a family history lesson. Basically, one of my long passed ancestors served underneath a Japanese Shogun as a foreign diplomat, when the Shogunate fell, my ancestor relocated back to the eastern ancient sovereign states located in present day Germany, where he changed and established his last name to Shogun, in honor of his former leader, he wouldn't take the Shogun's specific name out of respect, but, in the Medieval German area, "Shogun" had a nice, unique sound to it, and served the family well throughout time.

My Title:
My family owned land, a long, long time ago. Back on ancient Earth, in one of the ancestral sovereign states that would eventually make up present day Germany. In 1546, my family's state, and the surrounding states all swore allegiance to each other to protect one another, their land, and their sovereignty. In 1814 the Sovereign States became the German Confederation, which swore that all surviving States and Family landowners would continue to retain their titles, lands, and names for as long as the families remained German, and would retain such regardless of any future German Government changes or Affiliations, my Family's land and state included. In 1874, the German Empire was founded, followed by the German Republic, the Third Reich, East & West Germany, the Reunification of Germany, and finally, the German Inclusion into the European Union in 2007, throughout which my Family survived all, and was honored by the original agreement from the German government to retain, and honor their titles, and their land rights, for as long as they owned said land and remained German. My family had agreed, and had kept their title of Lord/Lady, and kept the land, throughout the years. Since Germany was one of the countries that survived all the years until the Official Unification of Earth as one entity, all respected titles, acquisitions, achievements, and so-on, where honored in the new centralized government, furthermore, until the family name died out, or until human extinction, no longer having the stipulations to remain German, or even still hold the original land. Hence my title, Lord, which can be lawfully used in place of any other titles, including military titles.