Personal content

Real name
Ryan Franklin
Place of birth
Year of birth
181 cm / 5' 11"
81.5 kg / 180 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
Fringe-world Imperial
::Downloading Identification Data from GalNet::
::Profile Biography Information Loaded::

Little information of CMDR No0delZ history is publicly documented.
In 3309 public records were updated, and some correlative data was pieced together from various sources.
CMDR No0delZ was born "Ryan Franklin", to the Akbulun system. A name that references two paternal figures in his family tree -

His parents emigrated to nearby Kadu Mist, where he would stay until commissioning with the Imperial Academy and shipping off to
for education and military training.
He brought with him from Akbulun a love of noodle dishes. This led to his commanding officer jokingly asking for "Serf Noodles" whereabouts, which frequently would be responded with "I'll give you zero guesses." - The answer: Wherever the noodles were. Many callsigns tend to be given due to humorous or unfortunate incidences with pilots, these events led to the callsign "NO0DELZ" with the misplaced zero added.
While serving in the Imperial Navy he partook in escort missions in theatres of space and planetside related to the defense of Princess Aisling Duval.
Despite an esteemed career in the Imperial Navy, he abruptly chose not to renew his commission, but remained loyal to the Imperial princess.
Financial records indicate at this time he was donated a Faulcon DeLacey Sidewinder. The notes attached to the financial records are encrypted.

The newly licensed CMDR No0delZ returned to his home system of Akbulun seeking guidance from the elders.
Pilots Federation and Stellar Cartographics records indicate that what followed was a rapidly expanding solo career of trading and exploration, with plenty of run ins with pirates and other CMDRs.
After purchasing a Lakon Diamondback Explorer, CMDR No0delZ then disappears from record for over six months. He returns with cartographics data from unexplored and undiscovered systems across the galaxy. A feat which earned him nearly 600 million credits, and the title Elite explorer.
Some brief interactions are logged with various engineers before he was noted to have retired to Shinrarta Dezhra for unexplained reasons.

In 3309, CMDR No0delZ was marked active once again in the Imperial Navy database with no military unit currently assigned. Effectively, he is considered a free agent.
After 298 weeks, 5 days of service to Princess Aisling Duval, his assignment was abruptly ended. The note attached says "Authorized shore leave. Activity: Mountain Climbing."
Recent activities include: Participation in the Thargoid war, Trading, contacts with various Engineers, and numerous diplomatic missions.
Last spotted piloting the newly christened Inquisitor-class Anaconda titled "The Sword of Revelation" in the "Brookes Abyss" system, more commonly known as Ross 788.
Further logs are encrypted requiring
authorization or higher.
:::End of Transmission:::