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I t0et0e have been online since the 2001, starting from ps2 games like CoD:FH. Of course played much offline before this but this is where t0et0e or at the time Sgt.ToTo appeared. Not too long after that I ventured onto PC BF1942 and met a key group of Pilots known as VXF. There are many variations to this acronym, ranging from Verified eXpert Fliers, Velocity eXtreme Formations to the core point Volts eXpert Fighters ish, basically simply known as VXF!

It is a flight team not a club, clan, wing as such etc. You must pass not qualifying tests in pilot-age skill laid out at the discretion of an official Officer and with the VETO power of the team leader, VOLTANO, but also meet a character aptitude of maturity, intelligence and cooperativeness.

At the time of writing this VXF is primarily active in GTA:V with an associative crew known as xVx7. It has its own discord and runs an excellent private precision teamwork based lobby.

Where I fit in is my pure love of Elite with near 2k hours in the game its clear where I choose to spend my time. My hope is to bring VXF style of airshows and movie making to the bubble and hopefully network with the best community I have been involved with in years.