Personal content

Real name
Marco Geier
Place of birth
Year of birth
170 cm / 5' 7"
80 kg / 176 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
originally Blue (now Cyborg)
Hello I´m Marco Geier aka Cmdr Mc.G.
I was born in Ehrlich City on Mercury and had a pretty influential family. My parents both worked as high ranking figures in the Federal Navy of Sol, so it was expected from me to follow in their footsteps once I turned 18. I was in the Navy for almost 7 years and due to my family's influence and my exemplary service record in leadership and combat roles, I quickly rose through the ranks until finally reaching the rank of admiral. Shortly after that, I got wounded in an attack by a faction known as Civitas Dei. My injuries were treated with cyborg technology (I'm 19% Robot) but as a result of my injuries, I was medically discharged from the Federal Navy. Without a job and enough money I quickly became depressed to the point at which I thought that I would never find a job again.

By that time I had grown immense hate on those Civitas bastards that ruined my life. I saw my last hope in the immigration to the Empire, to work there as a slave. For the next 2 years, I worked in the asteroid fields of Hip 33390 and had my "home" in the Nikitin Penal Colony, which was located in the same system. After I slowly worked my way up I got the opportunity to join the local navy forces. I accepted and quickly climbed the ranks in the Imperial Navy (which was relatively easy, due to the combat experience I gained in the Federal Navy). 5 years later I made it to the rank of duke and was finally able to afford myself the ticket to freedom.

After I gained my freedom I spent almost all the Credits I had left on an old Sidewinder. Shortly after this, I met a group of freedom fighters that were in conflict with Civitas Dei. They called themselves Knights of the Empire and had their HQ pretty close to Hip 33390. In hope of revenge on Civitas, I joined the Knights and quickly became good friends with some of their members. I was around 33 by then and as another year passed the conflict with Civitas escalated into a full-scale war. After some more time had passed, the Knights have decided to defect to the Federation, because of lacking support from the Empire. Despite me missing the Empire, it felt really good to be back in my home region. From then on we called ourselves Knights of the Earth. Over the past years, Civitas has disappeared into the shadows and the war between the Knights and them has gone cold. During that time I managed to make peace with Civitas Dei and forgive them for their past actions.

After the recent events involving Jupiter Rochester I lost faith in the Federation and returned to the Empire. This sadly meant that I had to leave the Knights, which was everything but an easy step to take, but I could just no longer stay with the people that support a superpower that, in my eyes, stands for corruption and corporate dictatorship. Shortly after leaving the Knights and defecting to the Empire, I was taken in by Lavigny's Legion, which was happy to gain a member, with such an interesting backstory. Despite this, I am still friends with many of the Knights.

Anyways, that was my story so far. If u have any further questions just write me a message and I will try to answer it.

Meet you in the Void Cmdr!
