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Umbra Mortalis [Hot]
Ship ident
Space superiority

The Umbra Mortalis is a highly-modified Mamba, packed bow to stern with black market gear that has found its way to Robardin Rock. Overcharged multicannons are complimented by a shield-bank-destroying railgun, and it is protected by advanced alloys and an ill-gotten Prismatic shield array. Alien technology is also present; its power distributor augments reactor output, and Guardian shield enhancements add an extra layer of protection.

This vessel is often seen alongside the Travesura Purpura, a similar Mamba flown by Tyrran's lover, Yolanta Purpura. It is rumored that the two are no longer affiliated with Loren's Reapers, though Robardin Rock remains their favorite port.

The Mortalis carries with it a substantial bounty, especially in Explorer's Nation space.
The ship loadout is unknown.