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Ship details

Blackthorne II
Ship ident
Krait Mk II
Anti-xeno activities, investigation

After the destruction of the Blackthorne, Tyrran Andor and his lover/partner Yolanta Purpura fled Colonia, eventually ending up in xeno-contested areas. The duo pledged their aid as independent pilots and were a party to several impressive victories, but their Mambas proved ill-suited to dealing with Thargoids. The sleek vessels were put into storage, the outlaws pooling their credits to acquire a new vessel, one that their associate Rax Ortega personally modified to meet their needs.

This Krait Mk II is heavily modified from its stock iteration, with hybrid Guardian technology and engineered components. Extra power conduits and aftermaket equipment run throughout the interior, which is itself a mixture of old and new. Though Andor and Purpura have been spotted seeking out and destroying Thargoid interceptors, pilots matching their description have also been spotted at various black markets, fencing dangerous Thargoid components from a meta alloy-lined cargo bay.
The ship loadout is unknown.