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Ship details

Ship ident
Krait Phantom
Black ops/ Smuggler

The LRS Blackthorne was a gift from Loren's Reapers after Tyrran Andor proved himself in the battle of Atroco, where he risked his life in a stolen Trident fighter to help repel the Thargoid attack. The name came from his partner, Yolanta Purpura, though its meaning is a private matter between them.

The Blackthorne is heavily modified with black market technology, making it very difficult to detect on sensors. This stealth ability is further augmented with advanced thermal venting along its beam laser array; even in the midst of intense combat, detection is often a matter of visual sighting. Though Andor uses the ship mainly for black ops work, he isn't above using its abilities in clandestine smuggling and assassination missions.

The Blackthorne has not been spotted since the hostilities that confirmed The Nameless's control over Carcosa; Andor himself has only been seen in his Mamba.
The ship loadout is unknown.