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Ship details

Ship ident
Cobra Mk III
Deep Space Explorer

This is Isabella's deep space exploration ship. Not only is it for exploration but also her 'get around' type of ship as well. A home away from home, she also lives in this ship if not on a station. Her connection to the ship has grown over the past year as she continues to use it. Her 'little Cobra' might not beat a Diamondback or an Asp Explorer but she'll defend its capability to no end. It can manage a total of 48Ly per jump and move considerably fast in real space. The ship is fitted with a Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster as well as a Guardian Power Plant to provide a higher power output. The FSD has also been modified to squeeze out as much jump range as possible. Cargo racks have been removed as well as the old Planetary Hangar she had to provide the ship with less weight.

She's nicknamed her ship 'Star Dance' for always bouncing around multiple classes of stars in this big galaxy. Changes are always being made as she tries to further develop the ship's capability to perform better.
The ship loadout is unknown.