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Manufactured by Faulcon deLacy, the Python is a multipurpose ship that offers an enticing balance of manoeuvrability, firepower and defence. With five hardpoints, it can go head-to-head with large ships such as the Anaconda and Imperial Cutter, while its agility allows it to handle smaller vessels without having to rely on turret weapons.

The Python designated SA-30P was purchased and modified with one goal in mind: Finding Raxxla. It has been converted into a deep space exploration vessel that is wholly self sufficient, cutting weight where possible and fitting everything needed to refuel and repair itself, as well as a whole suite of hardware for scanning and analyzing anything the deep black has to offer. The name 'Oracle of Delphi' was given to the ship after months of study and theorizing about the location of Raxxla. Delphi was believed to be the center of everything, and within, the Omphalos, an ancient artifact. Raxxla legend has it that the Omphalos Rift is an alien artifact capable of opening a gateway to which other universes can be accessed.

Mankind has chosen and designated a star system 'Delphi' in honor of those tales. But what if the galaxy itself has designated one of its own systems as its 'Delphi'?
The ship loadout is unknown.