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My Anaconda that I've owned since June, and done damn near everything with.

The name was earned on a smuggling run from 17 Draconis, and I glanced at the Transactions panel and noticed I had 18 minutes left on the contract. I dodged countless cops on the way. I found myself humming to the tune of "East bound and down" and found it very fitting for the situation. I arrived with only a minute to go on the contract, handed the cargo in and was off to another system, with only 5 minutes to go that one. The run wasn't anything special in terms of profit, but the memory stuck as one of my favorite 18 minutes of Elite.

The name is based from the a trucker named Cledus Snow, a friend of the Bandit who bootlegged 400 cases of Coors Beer east of the Mississippi river, where it was illegal to sell. Snowman smashed through roadblocks on with minutes left to spare in the haul.
The ship loadout is unknown.