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FNS Hornet
Ship ident
Federal Corvette

CMDR BNSF1995 never thought the day would come when he would finally reach Rear Admiral in the Federal Navy Auxiliary, but lo and behold, that day came on January 4, 3309. At the time of writing, the ship has only undergone space trials, having yet to see combat for two reasons: 1) the ship is not where CMDR BNSF1995 wants it, module-wise, due to a shortage of funds, and B) it hasn't been properly engineered.

Once it has an A-rated Power Plant and the weapons have been sufficiently engineered, the FNS Hornet (named for a World War II aircraft carrier CMDR BNSF1995 slept on in 2002 during his time in what was then the YMCA Indian Guides) will become the flagship for the Open Circle Fleet, a squadron within the Federal Navy Auxiliary that was activated on August 11, 3308 by order of President Hudson after the Battle of HIP 22460, mainly to provide security in Federal space while most pilots are away fighting the Thargoids, as well as carry out privateering missions against rival powers and non-Federal minor factions at CMDR BNSF1995's discretion (the squadron's activation has yet to be finalized, and should go live by January 9, 3309).
The ship loadout is unknown.