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Ship details

Ship ident
Federal Corvette

The pride of my fleet, and the culmination of my grinding and hard work whilst in the black. She is named Kudounokaze, for "Immovable Wind". As I was progressing closer and closer to having her in my grasp, I had two incidents of being gunned down by pirates. Said incidents while during a federal navy mission.

Needless to say, I ended up in a penal facility out in the Pleiades Cluster. A nuisance, since my Type 9 Transporter could not make it anywhere note worthy. While taxing my Duskbringer over to use to get out, I took a gander around the cluster. I had visited this area long before the Thargoids; and yet, their marks were everywhere.

This alone, motivated me to take the measures needed to combat the new threat of Xenos... Now, this Corvette will sweep through the ranks along with many others-- As immovable as it may be.
The ship loadout is unknown.