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Ship ident
Sidewinder Mk I
The Hotseat of a new born Player

This is kind of a pampered and petted Hotseat.

I remember using it making Money by Information-Deliveries.
...went inactive for a while, since Learning in Elite is difficult at a start...

Then, on another Time, i came back with a few Friends, and i heard about a Star-System named Robigo.
I was using this Sidewinder to do all the Jumps, ...where ever i have started.
Those Days, there were no dedicated Noob-Zone like today.
But Engineers have been there; i remember using Farseer and Martuuk for first Improvements.
...out of Materials coming from Dav's Hope...
I was grabbing Scan-Data about all those Systems alot, when i was travelling...
Coriolis Ship-Builder for planning ahead, learning from Forums, Reddits and Wikies...

That way i started my Career.
Data, Engineering and Travelling.

Down there in Robigo, i got a Keelback with a few Passenger-Cabins. The target has been Sirius Athmospherics.
Started a big Business, leading into selling Keelback ... there were other Ships i sold, and barely can remember...
Also buying Beluga Liner, ASPexplorer, ViperMk4, Type9 and Python...
I really had Pockets full of Money, to gimp around with Ships and Modules down there. It was a nice Start.
...but some day People around Ceos went crazy, started to ask for Travels to the deepest regions of Space.

I remembered, that Robigo is not my true Home.
Indeed, this entire Galaxy is.

I realised, that i have begun to plan and build up an entire Fleet of Ships for different Purposes.
My Doings started being proof, that i was no Newborn any longer.

That was the End of my very Beginning.
The ship loadout is unknown.