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Ship details

Meander Vera
Ship ident
Krait Phantom
Deep Space Exploration

Long-range exploration vessel, the Meander Vera is exactly what the name suggest : To meander the galaxy in search of the truth. The ship is suited to fulfill exploration missions with an undetermined return home date with all the neccessity for suistained and unerupted exploration of the deep space. It's primary target are regions of the Milky way too far for conventional ship to reach. While the captain of the Meander Vera decided a end-goal to reach in the unforgivable region of Tenebrae, the vessel could make a full tour of the Galaxy and it would not brake down. Just the sanity of it's crew...

Studying the far-out space require a light-weight ship, but also a sturdy ship capable of taking a few bruises as well as resisting the wear and tares of time. Reiforced Powerplant was implimented while keeping the rest light while carrying an Auto Field-Maintenance Unit module to keep the ship running in good condition.

" ...In the advent of a full Thargoid war... Our best hope is to find and catalog far off worlds that no one would dare travel too... So, in time of need... In time of despair... The unreachable worlds become the reachable... An Oasis... "

-CMDR Helvet
The ship loadout is unknown.