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Ship details

Space Tonka [Hot]
Ship ident
VHS 95
Type-10 Defender
Freighter/Miner Defense

From his experience as a heavy freighter when Helvet started his career, he understood how transporting goods and rare materials was as lucrative as it was dangerous. Pirates always lurked behind him, attracted toward easy and profitable target such as his previous ship, a Type-9. His last job with this ship almost ended his career but, luckily for him, not his life as he was recovered in his escape pod a week later. From now, he understood that he needed to be more than just well protected, he needed to take action agaisnt these pirates by sacrificing a bit of cargo for more power and damage.

His Type-10 was the answer and now use his ship in conjuction with other less protected ship to carry missions that still attrack tons of pirates. This time, however, the pirates are the preys as his ship boast a great arsenal. Battle-tested in conflict zones, his mighty ship fit the role needed for mining, carrying goods while taking a beating and give even more punisment to anyone who dare go after his cargo.
The ship loadout is unknown.