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Ship ident
Federal Corvette
Heavy Combat

"Greatness and power are often allied with defeat. It is how civilizations are shaped—some ideas prosper, others die. The quality of the ideas has little to do with the outcome. It is personalities that matter. Pay attention to those around you."

There's never been a time humanity hasn't been fighting something. It starts with us fighting for survival. Then we're fighting each other, or disease, or famine, or aliens or... something. It's in our nature. Especially now that we've expanded so far. I've read the history books. It's SO hard to believe that we came from a single planet in a single system - Earth on Sol. And its history is all of our history and even then it was bloody and filled with war. All of that often seems so insignificant now - where conflicts can span multiple systems and stars and powers and everything - the scope of the wars on earth seem so small in comparison and yet...

War, war never changes. As much as we wish it weren't so, conflicts must always be fought. Faith & Retribution is our answer. A heavy warship designed to withstand and impressive amount of fire while dealing plenty of its own, this ship was designed to fight in any and every battle and come out on top. It is the big stick for when walking soft no longer works. The ship is constantly undergoing upgrades and engineering to ensure that it will always be among the very best warships ever built.

Conflicts will start beyond our control, but we'll finish it, one way or another.
The ship loadout is unknown.