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Ship details

Albus Omega II
Ship ident
Asp Explorer
Deep Space Exploration

Raenys' fourth vessel, outfitted for deep-space exploration. Albus Ω boasts a jump range which certainly surpasses the Kitling, a reinforced hull, AFMU, moderate cargo bay, SRV capabilities, a customized personal cabin, and a mixed array of defensive countermeasures and utilitarian modules. The Omega has performed reliably and admirably, having scanned the Thargoids in their homes throughout the Pleiades, visited the Witchhead, Orion, Horsehead, Coalsack, and Lupus nebulae; and having visited Lave, Barnard's Loop, the Running Man region, and most recently having made the trek out to Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Explorer’s Anchorage. It is certainly a well-worn and finely tuned, broken-in ship.

The Omega is on it's way back towards the civilized bubble, following a several-month contracted journey focused on exploration of select systems for a rather mysterious employer.

The Omega II is designated as such due to the original vessel being blown for a serious and somewhat suspicious misunderstanding during a Federation contract mission.
The ship loadout is unknown.