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Ship ident
Haz Res / Pirate Hunter / Scavanger

The SEPULCHRAVE build gets its namesake from the fictional character in the Gormenghast novels. Lord Sepulchrave. He is described as a melancholy man with a powerful intellect who feels shackled by his duties although he never questions them.

The Sepulchrave design at its core is built to embody that sense of unquestionable duty, a loyal and obdient vessle in hazardous combat situations it is a medium sized fortress. The current loadout is optimised to serve as a robust tank for standalone combat operations in hazardous resource sites, and to strike against high-value bounty targets. With excellent durability it is capable of sustaining prolonged attacks, whilst at the same time dealing out formidable offensive firepower in return.
Whilst not the most nimble in combat, what it lacks in manouverability it makes up for in consistency & toughness.
The ship loadout is unknown.