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Ship details

Prideofdawn theodosius
Ship ident
Federal Corvette
Warship [Warhammer] / Flagship

Pride Of Dawn:Theodosius has been selected for full on combat after the arrival of Pride Of Dawn:Aufidia the company can help its allies now without having any issue of cargo runs though the ship has 224T of space for the cargo incase there is a need for supply run in the time of Civil War or any pirate threat.
[Status before the arrival of Aufidia]
Bought by R3d_Dawn Logistics to replace Augustus for short trade run's upto 60ly with a massive cargo capacity of 576T and Sheilded 512T with SCB

If The Company presses the panic button this vessel can be converted to its original status of a warship.

Current Status - Cargo Hauler/Bounty Hunter

Manufacturer : Core Dynamics
Place Of Purchase : Ohm City [LHS 20]
The ship loadout is unknown.