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Valkarii II
Ship ident
Mining / Exploration

In ancient Norse mythology the Valkyrie ride to the realms of the Gods, 'Valkarii' is so named, as yet she toils on the field of battle selecting the best crop to take back to Valhalla. Soon she will ride into the deep and legend has it not return till she stands by her sisters on the hour of Ragnarok.

Stories have been heard how Mifune won the Valkarii in a race that swept past the shoulder of Orion. For several minutes the Enola and Mifune lost communication, of the seven ships that raced that day only the Enola retruned with an unconscious Mifune.

It is said, that in the infirmary Toshiro was hear to whisper "Valkyrie , Valkyrie."

To this day he has never spoken of those events but the whispers say he put the runes of Ragiro, Hildr and mist onto the hull of the Valkarii himself- he did this the old way, with a brand of pure, molten iron.
The ship loadout is unknown.