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Deep Space and Planetary Exploration

The "Seireisen is the 3rd Anaconda in CMDR Ginrikuzuma's fleet. The "Seireisen" is Gin's exploration vessel with planet landing capabilities for surface exploration and research.

Named after an old Terran flying temple said to exist in an alternate dimension.

Initially outfitted with a 29 LY (full tank or 36 LY with low fuel) jump range the 160 fuel ton fuel tank of a monster. Ginrikuzuma while laidback enjoyed the Seireisen, the excess fuel for the sake of stopping less to fuel did start to wear on him as the weeks passed and especially in the Abyss.

Having successfully returned from Beagle Point, Ginrikuzuma decided to strip The Seireisen to be even lighter going from 160 tons of fuel to just a quarter of that (40 Tons) with the intention of charting as much of the Abyss as possible in the near future.
The ship loadout is unknown.