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O.S.S. Cold Harbor
Ship ident
Federal Corvette
SC-111 Aardvark Interdictor

Optio.Star.Ship Cold Harbor
SpaceCraft-F111 Aardvark Interdictor Assassination and Hi-Threat Bounty Hunting
My EDSY Build:

Named in remembrance of one of the bloodiest battles in American History. During the Civil War, as the Union Forces were being defeated/held-in-check by the South and due to Gen. McClellan's poor strategy execution, Pres. Lincoln replaced him. Gen U.S. Grant was appointed top command and he saw the Battle of Cold Harbor as a chance to soundly defeat the South no matter the costs and to end his successful "Overland" Campaign once and for all (in Jun 1864).
SpaceCraft is named for the famous USAF F-111 Aardvark swept-wing bomber attack plane. Most famous for dropping the bombs on Libya as retaliation for the bringing down of Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, Scotland (but had served in Vietnam most noted for Operation Linebacker II).
The ship loadout is unknown.