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Cyber Pulse
Ship ident
Exploration, Scientific Research and Basic Ship2Ship Maintenance

The Cyber Pulse 784-DW is primarily an exploration ship designed specifically with Distant Worlds II mission in mind, capable of good range individual jumps between Star systems, but also, with its two fighter bays has the capability to see off intruders that get too close and just in case those pesky Aliens do send anything our way, we also have a couple of Point Defence Modules to deal with any of those weird missiles. The fighters are a nice extra touch when deep space exploring and you need to get out there to feel the exhilaration of speed and agility while zooming through the mist on a canyon bottom on a Planet many Light Years from home.
We have two SCARAB SRV's on board with enough fuel and repair functions to keep them going for most distant exploration missions.
You never know what you will come across out there in the black of space so a large 128 Ton Cargo Hanger is included and is currently occupied with Limpets for Collection, Repair and Refuel.
In sticky situations, (flying into a Star) heat can be a problem so we have plenty of Heatsink technology on board and also have the capability to manufacture more as required. Also, we have installed a Wake scanner to recover Wake Data and also see where others have gone before. For the final Utility Mount we fitted a Xeno Scanner to checkout any passing strangeness.
Core systems are all engineered to maximise jump distance and reduce weight
Armor is minimal and lightweight.
The ship loadout is unknown.