The Recurve aims to fix the flaw of the ARC and act as the response for a smaller A-Class series ship. It specializes in Anti-Xeno activities as its older brother, the ARC focuses on human activities. To perform this role the Recurve is outfitted with experimental and hybridized technology, allowing it fare into unknown territory with efficiency, these modules include a dual-engineered Frame Shift Drive, identical to the one found on Enigma and Salvation's burst-fire Gauss Cannons. It's versatility in the field allows for extended expeditions and it can fill a great many roles when encountering Xeno threats. The Recurve's hybrid Guardian weapons, modules and fighter gives a powerful complement to experimental AX modules. The combat prowess of the Recurve allows it to easily destroy numerous Scouts and is a powerful combatant against an Interceptor, thanks to it's deployable fighters. Furthermore it is able to carry a large amount of corrosive cargo with ease. Finally the SRV allows for ground operations to increase flexibility against the Xeno threat. The flaws of the Recurve is it's average jump range and it's ineffectiveness against human ships, but who can fault the ship for failing a role it was not designed for. Finally the ship is the designated dropship for larger ground operations, where an SRV and two additional CMDRs is preferred.
The ship loadout is unknown.
The ship loadout is unknown.
The ship loadout is unknown.