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Ship details

Ship ident
Imperial Cutter

The Ascendant's main objective is to act the as the C-Class series large haulage vessel, and it fulfills that objective rather effectively. It doubles the cargo capacity of its younger sister Pilgrim, and focuses on laser mining rather than than specialized mining. It also features more collector limpets for quicker loading times and it's jump range is just above average so it can still perform routine deliveries to remote locations. The shielding is second to none as it focuses on pure strength, so if an interception does occur, the Ascendant can hold off an attacker whilst waiting for support. That being said though the Ascendant is not completely defenseless, and features a surprisingly effective arsenal onboard along with two deployable Gu-97s. The major flaws of the Ascendant is it's lack of versatility and maneuverability, along with its inability to land on outposts.
The ship loadout is unknown.