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Ramshackle Jack
Ship ident
Multirole Cruiser

A jack of [most] trades, Abri Voyage has just about anything you might need save for a refinery. In addition to defensive mines, she is fully fitted with turreted pulse lasers providing sufficient coverage. Though undersized to save on mass and power demands, all weapons (lasers and mines) are modified to inflict additional various malfunctions making them a greater threat than they may first seem to be. A SLF hangar adds to its arsenal, but also provides a more visceral form of recreation. As do the pair of SRVs which are great for planetary expeditions. Considering the variety of equipment such as scanners, controllers, an interdictor and a massive fuel scoop there is still ample storage space in the hold. Over 250T of space is available for commodities, canisters, or even the extra luggage of the passengers in the cabin section. Having such amenities at your disposal coupled with a range-enhanced FSD makes Ramshackle Jack a veritable home away from home...which is where she gets her name.
The ship loadout is unknown.