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Ship details

S.S. Freyja's Reach
Ship ident
Asp Explorer
Deep Space Exploration

Heavy-duty deep exploration starship.

I fell in love as soon as I hopped in the cockpit and could see through the floor!


- Configured for low thermal emissions and a healthy level of power distribution.
- Continuous star-scooping with under 80% heat generation for each scoopable type. Exceptions include super/hypergiant class O, B, and A star types.
- Modules classed and rated to minimize mass AMAP.
- Excellent armor.
- Damn fun thrusters.
- Dual AFMU (automatic field maintenance unit) modules for maximum endurance. Secondary used to repair primary.
- Point Defense module for non-zero protection against basic missle attacks (i.e., Guardian skimmers).
- Guardian FSD Booster breaks the 60 LY jump range barrier for this build.


1. Grade 5 Increased Range Class 5A Frame Shift Drive with Mass Manager.
2. Class 5H Guardian FSD Booster.
3. Class 6A Fuel Scoop.
4. Grade 5 Low Emissions Class 5A Power Plant with Thermal Spread.
5. Grade 5 Engine Focused Class 4D Power Distributor with Super Conduits.
6. Grade 5 Clean Class 5D Thrusters Stripped Down.
7. Grade 5 Reinforced Class 3A Prismatic Shield Generator with Hi-Cap.
8. Grade 5 Heavy Duty Lightweight Alloy Armor with Deep Plating.
9. Grade 5 Lightweight Class 5D Sensors.
10. Grade 3 Lightweight Life Support.
11. Grade 5 Probe Scanning Radius Detailed Surface Scanner.

I love this ship!

* Note: Avatar displaying 5% Pharaoh Gold paint job.
The ship loadout is unknown.