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Ship details

The Gull
Ship ident
Diamondback Scout
Smuggler (Yvonne)

The Gull doesn't exist. There's no record of the Diamondback Scout being built, of being bought, of ever entering or leaving a station or passing through a checkpoint. She has no registration number, no serial number, no outgoing signals or open channels. Any ship that's ever successfully scanned her has been retired immediately afterwards, either by The Gull itself with a couple dumbfires, or intercepted before reaching the station, or stripped for scrap while docked, their blackbox disappearing forever. Or the pilot was simply bribed to delete the record of the scan. A lot of effort goes into making sure The Gull remains a nonexistent ship, since Yvonne makes a nice profit bringing important people things that usually aren't allowed to have.
The ship loadout is unknown.