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The Open Casket
Ship ident
Salvage (Yvonne)

The Open Casket is Yvonne's home-away-from-station, and she spends more time in it than on a planet or station, the ship equipped to sustain life indefinitely with a fuel scoop, hydroponics, and AFMs. It is an ugly boat, her sun-bleached hull covered in a dozen peeling logos that have been painted over each other, demonstrating the decorated history of odd jobs that The Open Casket has done while under Yvonne's eclectic command. She's currently operating under a company called Matchlock Salvage Co., whose logo covers all others in fresh paint, though the fact that The Open Casket is heavily armed and impregnated with a similarly equipped Taipan Fighter suggests that Matchlock prefers to create its own salvage rather than stumbling upon it by happenstance.
The ship loadout is unknown.