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Ship details

Ship ident
Medium Battlecruiser

The Pharsalus class is an unique Mamba variant designed by Adalphage Industries. Our corporation has taken the design of Zorgon Peterson and transformed it into a medium battle vessel capable of inspiring fear into the enemies of the pilot who adventures to command it.

With a class 4 gimballed beam laser modified to be more efficient, this battleship can shred the shields of any adversary. The hull will last no more than a few seconds thanks to the 4 modified multi-canons (2 M class and 2 S class) that the Pharsalus model has. These multi-cannons have been modified to be more lethal with the corrossive and emissive ammunitions of the smallest multi-cannons which will make the enemy vessel vulnerable and more detectable, and with autoloader machinery for the medium ones.

Defensively, the Pharsalus has a thermal resistant modified class 4 bi-weave shield. As if this were not enough, a class 5 Shield Cell Bank has been installed to increase the survivality of the Pharsalus in huge risk situations. To this we must add a battery of shield boosters and a reactive composite armour, making this medium vessel really tanky.

To sum up, the Pharsalus is a well suited combat Mamba which it's perfectly capable of fighting in any conflict scenario between human factions. It is also very capable of performing well in a bounty hunting scenario.
The ship loadout is unknown.